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Grace Giving International Winter 2021 Newsletter

Desiree Jones • March 7, 2021

Welcome to GGI’s Winter 2021 Newsletter

Grace Giving International Winter 2021 Newsletter Image

Time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished in 2020 and what we have in front of us for 2021. Our entire planet has been impacted by Covid and the impact continues into 2021.

As you read through the stories and enjoy the photos, all of us at GGI give thanks to God for each one of you who gave generously in 2020. Without you, none of these inspiring  stories could have happened. You are making a difference and GGI continues to work to serve others while being the hands and feet of Jesus. 

God bless to all and here’s to a blessed 2021 for all.

Covid – A Common Message

Child impacted by Covid GGI Newsletter 2021

You’ll find a common theme in our updates, struggles, successes, and plans moving forward – Covid. Congo, Haiti, and Uganda all experienced similar stories in 2020 but throughout it all, our local teams continue to serve God. 

For Covid may close businesses and force us to change our daily  routines, but Covid is no match for God and his plan of redemption and salvation.

In the midst of the storm, our God is a firm rock, a Savior, and a Comforter. We wear a mask to  protect us from a virus, we wear the Spirit of God to protect  for eternity.  

If you’d like to help us continue to support God’s work and  ministry in Congo, Haiti, and Uganda, you can mail donations to us  or email John at 

Mail Donations to GGI, PO Box 31525, Spokane WA 99223

Congo Update

Like the rest of the world, the Congolese government implemented COVID 19 restrictions,  closing the schools, Churches, and many of the businesses. Although the schools were shut  down and received no school fees, GGI was able to redistribute resources to provide  assistance to other needs. The widows received more food than normal and most of the  orphans received shoes. 

The schools and Churches were scheduled to reopen after the holidays, however, there  has been a recent spike in COVID cases. This has caused the government to extend the closures of the schools and Churches until further notice. This extended closure also includes the Saturday youth Bible study that the orphans attend.

We are all praying for a better 2021.

Shawn Mackin

GGI Congo Mission Director

Congo Photos

New Shoes GGI 2021 Winter Newsletter
Widows receiving food from GGI
Food distribution family  eating dinner together
GGI recipients

Grace Giving International Winter 2021 Newsletter

Haiti Update

Our local Haiti Director, Ismaëlite J. ALTIDOR shares her end of year report:

“Like many other countries, Haiti was hit with COVID and it made 2020 an interesting year. Given the very poor health infrastructure available to the country, as soon as the first case was declared on March 19, 2020, the state closed almost all institutions, including the school that GGI supports ‘IRJ’. It was a very dark and terrifying moment. Unfortunately, we could not be confined to our homes because we must go out to find daily bread since the majority of the population lives day to day.” 

“On this occasion, we decided to buy smartphones and an Internet plan for children so they can receive distance lessons from their teachers. But due to the lack of electricity to charge these phones, many of the children were unable to participate properly in these classes.” 

“Fortunately, God gave Haiti a special look and the country is resisting disease. Noting that Covid was less severe than previously thought, the authorities reopened the schools in August 2020. Unfortunately, this reopening would lead to an unparalleled financial problem, because Covid worsened the economic situation of parents and schools. The President of Haiti has offered subsidies to schools to pay teachers, but nothing is being done for most schools including 

IRJ so far. 

Ismaëlite continues. “Our struggles were not over yet. After hearing we could reopen our school, Hurricane Laura devastated our premises and took away many of our teaching and learning materials. It is utter desolation. The school had to shut down again and we had to repair and buy back materials to restart. We deeply thank GGI for funding the repairs to the hurricane-ravaged classrooms and schoolyard.”

“Despite all the difficulties encountered, we had to continue to educate the children. We worked through the difficult situations with teachers and incomprehensible parents and the management of IRJ school and its team made great efforts to supervise the children. Our hard work and perseverance succeeded with the first ever promotion of 9th grade students with 100% of them passing the official government exam.” 

“We thank God for everything, especially for His protection and the courage he has given us. We also thank the GGI 

team as well as each sponsor who contributed to support the actions of the school!”


Karla Darcy IRJ Classroom

Message from Karla 

On behalf of GGI, we thank everyone who has helped us financially and prayerfully support the work in Haiti.  

Because of you, they continue to have hope for a brighter tomorrow and find comfort in knowing that they can attend school as well as learn about Jesus and His love.

Here’s looking to 2021!

Karla Darcy 

GGI Haiti Country Director

Haiti Photos

Haiti New School Class Picture
Grand Section  2020-2021 IRJ School

Grace Giving International Winter 2021 Newsletter

Uganda Update from Pastor Robert

“To Our Cherished Partners, I thank God every time I remember you and my gratitude for you our partners goes beyond thankfulness for your generosity. I am so appreciative for your active interest in the work we do to transform communities and break the cycle of poverty. 

I would like to express thanks first to Grace Giving International and all its partners for the support given throughout this year 2020. We were able to provide food to 858 starving families, trained 86 pastors, had at least 806 new converts, 2 new Church plants, baptized 212 people, gave food to hundreds of sponsored children and their families throughout the year and bought 15 sets of pastoral training manuals.

I also thank all our departmental leaders here in Uganda for their commitment to improving the lives of the unfortunate people. As a team, we are honored to continue to serve God in these difficult times and much humbled by the support we do receive. 

Thank you for partnering with us to help children, families and communities overcome all manner of deficiency and helping us to stand up for the defenseless hence transforming their lives & communities. We are looking forward to your continued support and promise you to do the best and be good stewards of the resources given. 

Wishing you a Happy New Year 2021. 

Blessings, Robert Sityo, Ministry Director 

Thank You

Grace Giving International Sponsored Child

Thank you for choosing to invest in another child’s story, being a GGI Child Sponsor. 

Thanks for your generosity towards developing a reproducible walk with God,  books for pastoral training were received and more Church leaders are learning  about the Word of God.

Thank you for GGI child sponsors and donors who gave financially for the provision of food to our teachers, support staff, and sponsored children during Covid lockdown. Your generous support created a very noticeable  positive effect for all.  100 families were blessed with Christmas gifts. 

Fountain of Hope High

Thank you for the financial support to build and open the girl’s dormitory at Fountain of Hope High School. 

As a Church ministry, we are grateful for  the support towards the required facilities purchased in order to observe the  government issued Covid-19 procedures  to continue working and serving safely.

2021 Uganda Vision and Needs 

2021 looks like a year of needs and adjustment to Covid-19 virus that is not going away. “Covid has changed things so 

much” per Pastor Robert. For 2021, GGI is focused on helping Pastor Robert and Fountain of Hope Ministries and Schools with 

building the infrastructure they need. This includes; 

  • Building new classrooms that meet code and provide the social distancing required. 
  • Building new teacher housing at the school to meet government requirements, support our teachers, and  provide Covid safe environments. 
  • Providing financial assistance to buy/build hand wash stations, face masks, temperature guns, more school desks. 
  • Continue to provide Child Sponsorship opportunities to help less fortunate children with schooling and food. 
  • Continue to assist families and individuals with necessities and the hope of salvation. 
  • Continue to provide Pastoral and Bible teaching and materials to build up the Church. 

2021 Uganda Financial Needs 

  • 6 Classrooms at $15,000 = $90,000 
  • 5 Teacher Housing Quarters at $15,000 = $75,000 
  • 50 Child Sponsorships at $40 per month

Uganda Local Team Financial Support 

Additionally, we would love to have individuals help support the monthly ministry team expenses for our local team in Uganda. The team’s faithfulness to serving God has shined through year after year without asking for assistance but they are struggling as well while helping so many others. GGI is committed to supporting the local team with $1600 a month to cover the minimum expenses. If you are interested in helping sponsor our team with $50, $100, or more a month, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Grace Giving International

GGI changes lives and provides opportunities to children and families while being the hands and healing presence of Jesus Christ. 

We hope you consider joining us in our work in Uganda, Haiti and Congo. Our ministry is all about raising money to provide the financial assistance to our overseas projects that make the difference in the lives of many while sharing the good news of the Gospel. 

100% of designated giving to GGI goes to the designation!  

We respect your wishes in giving and provide the conduit to make sure your gifts are used 100% towards the need. 

97% of non-designated giving also goes directly to our overseas ministry with 3% used to  pay the minimal expenses of our website, mailings, and necessary business expenses. 

Can you Volunteer? 

We’re looking for people to help us with our mission. 

Can you volunteer for one of these positions in need? 

Uganda Sponsorship Coordinator Needed 

Social Media and Website Coordinator 

We’d love to hear from you! 

Contact Us 

Uganda and GGI General: John Kimsey 509-280-7691 

Haiti: Karla Darcy 509-720-4123 

Congo: Shawn Mackin 509-710-5042 

Email: Address: GGI, PO Box 31525, Spokane WA 99223


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