GGI’s work in Uganda and Haiti is firmly rooted in providing a solid Christian based education to children from preschool through high school at Fountain of Hope Junior and Senior School in Uganda, and Institution La Ruche De Jamel in Haiti. Our teachers are core to helping educate and sharing Christ in a positive environment. Our teachers do not earn extravagant salaries and our school struggles to raise the needed finances. Your help in supporting a teacher can impact the lives of thousands of students and others in the community. Please consider donating monthly to help support a teacher.
Grace Giving changes lives and provides opportunities to children and families while being the hands and healing presence of Jesus Christ.
100% of all “Designated Giving” goes directly to the designation! GGI raises non-designated money to help pay for the low overhead and expenses we do have. Overall, for every dollar given to GGI, 1.3% goes to credit card fees and 2.4% goes to GGI expenses. That is probably the lowest non-profit overhead you’ll find anywhere and we’re working on making it even better in 2021!