Africa’s future lies in their youth and GGI is actively working with children and young adults through education, outreach, and conferences. It’s no surprise that the youth of Africa we work with are low income and often have no money at all to contribute or pay for such events. Your contribution will help us continue to reach out to the future of Africa, provide fun and engaging events, and provide hope for a brighter future.
Grace Giving changes lives and provides opportunities to children and families while being the hands and healing presence of Jesus Christ.
100% of all “Designated Giving” goes directly to the designation! GGI raises non-designated money to help pay for the low overhead and expenses we do have. Overall, for every dollar given to GGI, 1.3% goes to credit card fees and 2.4% goes to GGI expenses. That is probably the lowest non-profit overhead you’ll find anywhere and we’re working on making it even better in 2021!