We give praises to God for all kinds of blessings that He grants us, to our children, to our teachers and to our family. Even through the difficult life, he let us feed the kids. Despite the problems of health, he heals our teacher and our children. The devil made a plan to break the school; we prayed to our God and he sent away the plan. I praise God for he let us move from the rent house where gangster harmed us every day to give them money. Praise to the Lord for placing people through GGI our way to help us to raise our goal.
We were concerned about the condition of the floors in our classrooms and school yard after Storm Laura, but God opened doors for us to fix them. Thanks to our donors at GGI!
Until now, the Ministry of National Education (MENFP) recognizes us, this is what allowed us to send our students to the official exams of 9th grade. However, to send them to the end of studies exams classics in secondary 4 we must first obtain the license granted by the MENFP. Therefore, we have to complete formalities, of which what concerns us most is a multimedia room or a computer laboratory. Thanks to the means recently provided by GGI, we are in the process of building rooms, one of which will be used for the multimedia room, but we lack the means to acquire computers for this purpose. Even though state schools are devoid of everything, they place high demands on private schools and sometimes penalize them for lacking. In fact, computers will allow us suddenly to facilitate research among our learners who, deprived of these means at home, are unable to carry out research and write the homework given by teachers. Sometimes we give them the computers we use, but what is not really practical ... So I would ask if You could find us about 15 computers. It would be a lovely help.