Your donation will help:
🍎 Basic Nutrition by providing much-needed Food and Safe Water to disparaged communities.
💒 Safe Infrastructure by building building New Schools, Medical Centers, Places of Worship, and Homes.
🎓 Quality Education by building New Schools, hiring Teachers, and providing Up-to-date Learning Materials.
✔️100% of designated giving goes to the designation.
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Your donation will help:
🍎 Basic Nutrition by providing much-needed Food and Safe Water to disparaged communities.
💒 Safe Infrastructure by building building New Schools, Medical Centers, Places of Worship, and Homes.
🎓 Quality Education by building New Schools, hiring Teachers, and providing Up-to-date Learning Materials.
✔️100% of designated giving goes to the designation.
Every country has unique needs — but children’s needs are what come first. 🙏 Our program directly helps children in Uganda, Haiti, and the Congo.
👀 100% of designated giving to Grace Giving International goes to the designation!
We are proud to say 97% of non-designated giving also goes directly to our overseas ministry with 3% used to pay the minimal expenses of our website, mailings, and other necessary business expenses.
Send is a letter to: PO Box 31525, Spokane, WA 99223
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