Whether you are a first-time donor, frequent donor, or beginning to consider giving a donation to Grace Giving International, know that when you do give, your contribution goes to those struggling with extreme poverty and a myriad of unfortunate issues. At GGI, we are making great strides to help many poverty-stricken African populations. And thanks to generous donations from people like you, we can continue to make progress.
Right now, over 10% of the global population (over 700 million people) do not have enough food to eat, have limited or no access to safe drinking water, and cannot financially afford to send their children to school. These populations are far more vulnerable to diseases that have already been wiped out in the developed world. Fortunately, when you give to GGI, you help to reduce poverty, help prevent diseases, and contribute to opportunities to build more schools and churches.
The following provides a deeper look into how donating to GGI can make a huge difference:
Poverty is a global issue, but the most impoverished live in the developing world at an unimaginable level. With no access to social safety nets or services that are readily available in developed countries, these people are among the world’s poorest. Unlike many charities, when you give to GGI, your donation dollars go directly to international causes. Your money goes for anti-poverty relief and to help improve the lives of those who need the most help.
And when you give, your donation goes a long way in underdeveloped countries. For example, an average ER visit in the United States is approximately $3000, whereas in a developing world, the cost is roughly $200. Because your money goes further overseas, know that no donation is too small. If you are interested in donating, anything can help.
One of the biggest issues and common complaints donors have with giving internationally is a lack of trust. Donors wonder if their money will be used for the intended purpose. GGI prides itself on accountability and transparency. You can count on your donation being used to span numerous issues including food, fresh water, education, and teaching the locals about God. Your donation makes a tangible difference to populations of people who truly need it. We can accomplish so much together, doing just what we can little by little.
When you donate any amount to GGI you are helping to reduce poverty and improve the health of populations who have nothing to hold on to but their hope and faith. Your gifts accomplish so much by making a life altering difference.
Contact us today to get started.
Remember, 100% of all “Designated Giving” goes directly to the designation! GGI raises non-designated money to help pay for the low overhead and expenses we do have. Overall, for every dollar given to GGI, 1.3% goes to credit card fees and 2.4% goes to GGI expenses. That is probably the lowest non-profit overhead you’ll find anywhere!